Times are tough
and we are all going to have to pull in our belts this year. Or so the saying
goes from our shiny new government.
Why we would
need to do this when we are confronted with a ‘brighter future’ I can’t
understand; unless that ‘brighter future’ was simply a colourful pigment of
Jianqi’s imagination.
I couldn’t help
noticing how the Prime Munter leapt onto the front foot this week to try and
damp down the fires of expectation. The Government
is still on track to get back into surplus by 2014/5 he told a no doubt
credulous audience at Waitakere in his ‘State of the Nation’ speech (and what a
state it is in, eh?). But added that the European debt crisis could stuff that
up for him, and finished off on a positive (read: rehearsed) note by saying, “But
outside that scenario, we remain firmly committed to our target for surplus in
2014 - 15." Which is another way of saying their policy is still the same
even if their intentions are not. It is important in politics to distinguish
between ‘policies’- (the stuff you tell people you want/intend to do) and ‘intentions’
– (what is really going on).
I heard the
teapot tape today and it is a sadly disappointing item, to be frank. There were
no really big hairy skeletons leaping from the closet, but it is clear those
who claimed to have heard it earlier obviously did. It contains some less than
charitable comments about poor old Dong Rash and writes of the NZ First
supporters, but aside from that there is nothing particularly damning. It also
shows the two Johns in a pretty cocky mood, but then we already knew what jumped
up little farts both are, anyway. It makes you wonder what sort of a long game
Jianqi is playing by making such a fuss and involving the cops. My guess is
that he was embarrassed not so much by what was on the tape as he was for being
such a dufus as to not notice it earlier.
Still this
incident will pale into insignificance when Parliament really gets started. We
haven’t heard the last of the Kim.com saga yet. Some awkward questions will
have to be answered about how somebody who passes the residency ‘character’
test doesn’t pass the same test for buying a home. Methinks some ‘second
thoughts’ are involved here. The Coalman probably (actually certainly) stuffed
up granting him residence in the first place and then Mo Fo Williamson pulled
the rug out when he wanted a home. Well why not, eh? They already had his $10M.
I notice Judge David McNaughton – the nitwit that let Akshay Anand Chand out on
bail resulting in him killing the woman he was charged with abducting – has shown
wiser counsel in assessing the likelihood of Mr .com (why didn’t he choose.de
given he is German?) fleeing. His lawyer, Paul Davison showed how naive he was
by saying his client’s assets were frozen and therefore he was not a flight
risk. Wake up, Paully; people this rich ALWAYS have other funds available to
them. Having said all of that; something about this case makes me very uneasy.
We seem awfully keen to please the Americans over this and I smell a large
political rat somewhere in this pile of shit. Has Mr Domain name upset some big
money players (apart from Hollywood that is)? I suspect he has and this is more
to do with that fact than any alleged illegal file sharing or ‘racketeering’.
But I could be wrong.
Of course the
next fly in Jianqi’s Vix is likely to be the sale of the Crafar Farms. In the
light of the hoo-hah over Kim.com this has become an even more hot potato for
the Government. A decision from the OIO is due any day now. Some unkind
commentators have suggested it is being timed for when the PM is out of the
country. Settle down. Little Johnny is not a pussy and always knows how to man
up. Look how he dealt with the media over the teacup saga. He wasn’t running
away he was just very busy as Prime Monitors are, saving us from our wasteful
ways and greedy excesses. Well you can’t waste what you don’t have, can you?
And we ‘one percenters’ can only dream of wasting stuff these days.